2006年、日本に渡り武道に打ち込むという決断をしたことで、タヴェルニエの辿る道は大きく方向を変えることになる。日本での10年間の修練の末、彼は現代武道および古武術において有段者となるほか、剣道具の製作および修理にも熟達する。彼は、武術・武道の分野で書籍を出版するほか、専門誌に幾度も記事を寄稿している。音楽活動としては、日本の尺八奏者である織茂サブとのコラボレーションアルバム、「Sphères (2009) 」および「鎌倉十二所 (2012)」を発表した。彼はまた、数年間生け花の研鑽を積むほか、日本の紋章学も研究しており、現在、家紋の知識を活かしの運営も行なっている。

Born 1981 in France, pursues a creative path that has led him from experimental music through the martial arts of Japan to the painter’s canvas. Tavernier studied digital arts and musical composition at Paris University, and took part in several avant-garde musical projects during those years.
Tavernier’s path took a dramatic virage in 2006 with the decision to move to Japan and immerse himself in martial arts. Within a decade, he reached high ranks in several modern Budo and classical fighting styles and achieved proficiency in the production and repair of armor. He has written several articles and books on the topic of martial arts and released two albums with Japanese shakuhachi player, Sabu Orimo: Spheres and Kamakura Juniso. For several years he also studied ikebana (Japanese flower arrangement), and monshogaku, the Japanese heraldic tradition. As a (ongoing) side project, he created the Kamon Knowledge Base:
In 2010, Baptiste Tavernier sought a fresh creative path and brush in hand, he started to experiment and mix his diverse set of skills on the canvas. His works now revolve mainly around the theme of mazes and labyrinths and have been exhibited internationally in North America, Europe and Asia since 2014.

#body painting



The labyrinth has served throughout centuries as a symbol marking the centre of the world, as a metaphor for the human life or as a representation of the city. Rome, Troy, Jerusalem, Arab cities’ souks, Paris and her Catacombs… I continue this tradition and build upon it. However, although the myths that depict the labyrinth generally refer to long-lost civilisations, I prefer to portray our modern world as I see it.
Mazes and labyrinths are constructs that parallel our existences. They are complex tangles of almost an infinity of trajectories, in a finite time/space frame. To err is human: bends and reversals, crosses and dead-ends, large arteries or oppressive corridors… It is a path of ordeals and hardships that unfurls according to our choices and decisions. It is also a place where evil lurks and can terminate the journey at any turn. When lines and life interpenetrate, the maze becomes the blueprint of an individuality.
During medieval times, the labyrinth had a unique centre, which symbolised the place where one would achieve enlightenment after the trials faced on the way in. Once enlightened, the pilgrim would find his way back out of the labyrinth on a serene path towards god. The whole figure was guiding one’s life and faith from birth to death. Now, I generally set multiple centres in my compositions since modern human existence has gained new and simultaneous alternative realities through the Internet and social networks. Life experience has grown more complex than ever and each of its iterations connects to the others on different levels through a variety of digital synapses. The different centres in my mazes are there to give us the hope that we can attain enlightenment on each and every plane of our existence.

# Zen Garden

From a chaotic and polluted background, a Zen Garden emerges. A rake quietly combs the gravel into lines and circles, and the mind slowly cleans out.
The modern mind faces an enormous amount of pollution everyday. Noises, advertisements, spams, fake news and SNS… Tides of noxious informations assault us constantly, alienating us from the world and stealing away our time.
In this new geometric series, I oppose the flowing lines of a Karesansui (Japanese Zen rock garden), to the dark and chaotic surface of our thoughts. The corruptions runs deep and the garden is still fragile; yet it grows stronger as our eyes contemplate its lines.